Mallory Band is an incredible tutor. She knows exactly the right strategies for getting students to focus, engage in and complete the work. She also empowers students by teaching them the skills and techniques they need to take ownership over the process and to take initiative. She is an advocate for her students and encourages them to advocate for their needs in a school setting. Most importantly, for Mallory, tutoring is not simply about the transmission of information but about creating a relationship. She is kind, patient, and genuinely curious about our child’s learning style. For Mallory, tutoring is about connecting with another person and supporting that person’s learning journey with creativity and compassion.
Band Together Education is a community that helps each individual with ADHD and learning differences reach their full potential by tapping into their unique strengths.

Weekly tutoring sessions are designed to meet the specific needs of your child.
Executive Function Coaching
Weekly executive function coaching sessions are designed to meet the specific needs of you or your child.
Parent Coaching
Weekly or biweekly parent coaching sessions are designed to help bolster parent’s confidence and more.

About Me
Hi, my name is Mallory Band. It is my true calling to help support others in reaching their full potential.
We, just like everyone else, deserve to live a full, happy, and sustainable life where we can embrace our differences and share our gifts with the rest of the world.
Our son, who is in 12th grade, was very reluctant to the idea of getting help for his executive functioning challenges related to ADHD. But after a couple of sessions with Mallory, he has come to understand the long-term value that Mallory brings to his academic career as well as to his overall well-being.
Mallory has been an incredible source of support for my son, who is experiencing significant transitioning issues as a college freshman. Her experience helping people with executive functioning was the main aspect we were looking for when searching for a coach. My son has shown improvement in areas of organization and completing both his school tasks and life tasks. Mallory’s communication is informative, consistent and very positive. I highly recommend her for individualized coaching and feel relieved that my son has found someone he can work with that is making a difference in his life.