Mallory Band is an incredible tutor. She knows exactly the right strategies for getting students to focus, engage in and complete the work. She also empowers students by teaching them the skills and techniques they need to take ownership over the process and to take initiative. She is an advocate for her students and encourages them to advocate for their needs in a school setting. Most importantly, for Mallory, tutoring is not simply about the transmission of information but about creating a relationship. She is kind, patient, and genuinely curious about our child’s learning style. For Mallory, tutoring is about connecting with another person and supporting that person’s learning journey with creativity and compassion.
Weekly tutoring sessions are designed to meet the specific needs of your child, as there is no one size fits all mold to learning. During these 50-minute tutoring sessions, students are assisted with homework, projects, papers, research, and other academic tasks.
Additionally, students will receive support in understanding main ideas learned in the classroom. Primary focuses of tutoring include reading comprehension and writing mechanics. Tutoring ranges from elementary school through college-level students.